Ministry & RevCo @ The Fillmore, SF (5/26/06)

Kevin Keating
Friday night at the Fillmore in San Francisco featured two bands that were created, founded and feature one of industrial music's pioneers, Al Jourgensen -- The Revolting Cocks (RevCo) & Ministry.

RevCo took the stage at around 10pm and were a riot. I took a couple of crappy camera phone pix, but check out these pix from their show in San Diego a few nights earlier. Al played a back-up role on guitar, surrounded by 6 other bandmates. There were 3 main vocalists who took turns throughout the set. One of the guys looked like Hitler (as you can see from the pix.)

Ministry finally took the stage around 11pm and damn, is big Al getting old! I'm frankly amazed that the guy is still alive. He's typically photographed wearing black shades, and it's obvious that it's to hide the old bags under his worn eyes.

One other thing to note about Mr. Jourgensen... His recent music has been somewhat political. And when I say "somewhat", it's basically a rant against the current administration. So at least most of the Ministry set featured songs from the two most recent albums -- which I'm not all that fond of. I'm more of a fan of the classics -- not that I don't agree with his feelings toward the current administration, just that I think his older material was a bit more polished. The new material just seems to be a regurgatation of his recent albums. Oh, plus his fan base has turned a little more... let's say, 'rough'. The attendees at this show could have also been attending a Hell's Angels conference. No joke, I swear there were a TON of actual Hell's Angels roaming through the crowd. I probably stuck out more than usual at this one! ;)

I was hoping the show was going to end around 11pm -- like most traditional rock concerts at the Fillmore. Plus, there was an "after-show" party that featured Keith Hillebrandt performing a 30-minute DJ set. Unfortunately, the Ministry/RevCo concert didn't end until after 12.30... And by that point, I was beat and thought I would hit the road for the 30 minute drive home.

Anway, the setlists looked something like this:

Beers, Steers, and Queers
Stainless Steel Providers
Do You Think I'm Sexy?
Fire Engine

Fear is Big Business
Senior Peligro
No W.
Rio Grand Blood
Great Satan
Lies, Lies, Lies
Just One Fix
Khyber Pass

Encore 1:
So What
Jesus Built My Hotrod

Encore 2:
Psalm 69

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