Zoe Keating & Loop!station @ the SF MoMa (1/16/10)

Kevin Keating
It's been a few months since I've had the time to catch a new show, but last night I was able to catch Zoe Keating and Loop!station perform at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art as part of the museum's 75th anniversary celebration.

Zoe Keating started the show off at about 10 minutes after 7pm and played for roughly 30 minutes. She opened her set with 'Tetrishead' which you can see here:

Other treats included a few new songs off her upcoming album called 'Into the Trees', which is scheduled for a March 1st release.

If you haven't already, be sure to check out one of my favorites, One Cello X 16: Natoma

Loop!station took the stage promptly at 8pm and played for about 45 minutes. Two of the songs were compositions specifically written for separate pieces of art within the museum. Although impressive, there were a few points in the set where the songs seem to go off the rails, and the duo were forced to end the songs abruptly -- or at least not as they had planned.

Anyway, here are a couple of videos from their performance last night:

My personal favorite CD of theirs is Obey Your Signal, but their newest CD is Love Vs. Love if you're interested.

Previews reviews can be found here and here. Enjoy.

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