Review - LP @ the Fox Theater (3/10/19)

Kevin Keating
LP @ the Fox Theater (Photo: Kevin Keating)
LP @ the Fox Theater (Photo: Kevin Keating)
Laura Pergolizzi, otherwise known as LP, returned to the Bay Area this past Sunday night for her rescheduled, sold out show at the Fox Theater after falling ill and cancelling her original date back in January. We last caught LP just over a year ago when she played the first of two sold out shows at the Independent, which was easily one of our favorite concerts of 2018. This show on Sunday was just as good, and LP, along with openers Lauren Ruth Ward and the Slugs, made up for having to cancel the earlier January date with the energy they each brought to their sets.
Lauren Ruth Ward @ the Fox Theater (Photo: Kevin Keating)
Lauren Ruth Ward @ the Fox Theater (Photo: Kevin Keating)
The Slugs kicked the night off with a solid 20-minute set that reminded me of the duo, Larkin Poe. Normally a 4-piece, the stripped-down pair of Marissa Longstreet (guitar) & Sarsten Noice (bass) used their vocal harmonies to warm up the crowd. A quick set-change to remove the limited amount of gear onstage led to the opening of Lauren Ruth Ward’s 40-minute set that was extremely impressive. Lauren half-joked initially about being nervous up on stage with only her guitarist, Eduardo Rivera, by her side. Showing her support literally and figuratively, Lauren was wearing a fluorescent pink LP hoodie, before taking that off a song or two into her set. As her set progressed, I couldn’t help but be reminded of Florence and the Machine. Lauren’s vocals, as well as her physical stage presence, drew a striking resemblance to Florence Welch.
LP @ the Fox Theater (Photo: Kevin Keating)
LP @ the Fox Theater (Photo: Kevin Keating)
Shortly after 9:30, LP’s 4-piece band emerged from the right of the stage and began with the slow opening of “Dreamcatcher”, also the opening track of LP's most recent album, Heart to Mouth (iTunes). LP soon entered from the left and made her way to the front-center of the stage where she slowly voiced the opening line, 'Dreamcatcher, I can see you waving' in a style that that sounds like vintage Stevie Nicks... and the crowd went nuts.
LP @ the Fox Theater (Photo: Kevin Keating)
LP @ the Fox Theater (Photo: Kevin Keating)
Her set continued for another 90-minutes, with only two short breaks. One after "One Night in the Sun" where she admitted to having a coughing fit backstage and apologized if the song didn't sound good; and another break after the closing number to her set, the song "Special." She'd opened and closed the night with the same songs as on Heart to Mouth, and it hadn't gone unnoticed.
LP @ the Fox Theater (Photo: Kevin Keating)
LP @ the Fox Theater (Photo: Kevin Keating)
And even though she had already apologized earlier in the night for 'getting sick as f@%k' when she had to cancel the January date, she stopped to apologize again for 'putting us out' and appreciated how we still came out for the show. LP went on to dedicate "Special" to the Oakland crowd and I have to say that it was the highlight of the night. The live version of this song was simply stellar as the guitars sat idle during the verses, but then burst to a crescendo with LP's chorus of "One in a million, apart from the crowd, when I think of you now, it's like callin' a cloud, special; One and the only, don't leave me lonely, you know what we had, you know it was special." And I'd like to think that's how she viewed that night with us there at the Fox, because it was special.

Mind you, she didn't stop with "Special", she came back out for a 3-song encore that included the songs you'd expect: "Muddy Waters", "Strange", and the show closer, "Lost on You".

Although it's still early in the year, once again, and for the second straight year, LP may have just secured another top spot in our 'best of 2019'. When she comes back to town, make sure you don't miss it! You'll regret it if you do.

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LP Setlist Fox Theater, Oakland, CA, USA 2019, Heart to Mouth

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