Here's the line-up:
Neil Young
Pegi Young
Nora jones
Jack Johnson
Death Cab for Cutie
Cat Power
Band of Horses (Saturday Only)
Sarah McLachlan (Saturday only)
Neil Young
Pegi Young
Smashing Pumpkins (Sunday only)
Nora Jones
Jack Johnson
Death Cab for Cutie
Cat Power
Josh Grobin (Sunday only)
Update: Tickets will go on sale at 10 a.m. Sunday at Ticketmaster outlets and the Shoreline box office, at www.livenation.com and www.ticketmaster.com, and at (408) 998-8497. Prices are $39.50 for the lawn and $75-$150 for reserved seats.
For those of you who haven't heard of the Bridge School, Neil and Pegi Young founded the school and organize the annual all-acoustic two-day concert every fall, attracting sell-out crowds to the event which supports the operations of the school. Learn more by visiting their site here.
Update #2: Due to a scheduling conflict, ZZ Top will not be able to perform. Band of Horses will be replacing ZZ Top.